20 noviembre 2010

Day 6 *Favorite Superheroe and Why

Superman is a true hero. He embodies truth, heroism, idealism, the best in all of us. He is the example to everyone else, who leads the way and is loved by all around him. In many ways he is an ideal to look up to. Superman is a hero, a light, a beacon. He is above and beyond everyone else, in the public’s’ mind anyway. Yet in his personal life, away from people’s view, he can have problems just like the rest of us. He is the protector of all of us, yet as Clark Kent can face many of the human dilemmas we all face.
Superman possesses extraordinary powers, traditionally described with the phrase, "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound". His arsenal of powers include flight, vast super strength and invulnerability, super speed, vision powers (including x-ray, heat, telescopic, infra-red, and microscopic vision), super photographic memory, super hearing and super breath, which enables him to freeze objects by blowing on them. Superman is unbeatable.
While all the other superheroes are humans trying to be heroes, Superman is a hero trying to be human.

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