07 noviembre 2010

Day 1 *Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1.- I've been born and raised in Talagante, a small town located 21 miles from Santiago, the capital of Chile. I've never lived in another town or city.

2.- I have 3 beautiful sisters. All of them younger than me. They are also my best friends. Only one of them is married (by the way, my brother in law is my Branch President)

3.- I have 3 adorables nephews. I adore them. I love them more than anything in this world. They don't call me aunt because according to them "I am not that old".

4.- I dislike shopping, nah, I hate shopping, going to the mall is a torture to me. I only go when is really necessary.

5.- My first language is Spanish. English is my second language (so, if I make spelling/grammar mistakes you already know why) . When people ask me where I've learned English I usually say "watching Dora the explorer". I also understand Italian and Portuguese.
But no matter what language, it's easier for me to read and to write than to speak.

6.- I spend (or waste, depend on who is reading) a lot of time on the internet. I love chatting and because of that I've met wonderful people.
I also like watching movies and tv series online. I've seen movies that are not even in the theaters yet (at least not here in Chile).

7.- If I am talking to someone and I know that I am right, there is nothing that could change my mind. I am stubborn as a stone.

8.- I enjoy reading. I've read a lot of books. My favorites are: The Twilight Saga, haha, just kidding, but I do like Harry Potter's books, Jane Austen, Tom Clancy, Barbara Wood, Dan Brown and I could keep going on and on.

9.- I love laughing. I usually laugh out loud, really loud. I also cry at least once a month.

10.- Since 1992 I've collected quotes, phrases and sentences. I've written down more than 3000. I have also written down a lot of stories with nice messages.

11.- I LOVE cooking. Chilean, mexican and italian food are my favorites.

12.- I love dancing and singing. I am a very good dancer, but I am a horrible singer.
I suck playing video games, even my 6 years old nephew plays better than me.

13,. I only swear or curse when I am really mad.

14.- I like chocolates and strawberry ice cream. My favorites candies are Skittles but I only eat the red and oranges.

15.- I do believe in miracles, actually I am alive because they still exist. On October 2008 I had a serious car accident. I had a reconstructive surgery on my face, I got 42 stitches! No broken bones, just bruises all over my body. I couldn't walk or eat by myself for 2 weeks. But one of my awesome sisters took care of me and for that I will always be grateful.
Since then I have sleeping problems. I only sleep 3 or 4 hours every night, sometimes I don't sleep at all.

Bonus track: I believe in God and His son Jesus Christ, I have a strong faith in them. I know Christ loves me no matter what I do or say. My favorite Hymn is "I know that My Redeemer lives", and I do know that with all my heart.

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